What a wonderful day!

It seems such a cliche to say it.. but it is true! it was one of the happiest days of our lives!

Credits: André Teixeira, Brancoprata

Our little cake toppers :) made by Paulo's father and hand painted by Juana :) more wedding pictures to come soon :)


  1. Very good. I think the cake toppers will be travelling now a lot more than me, having a picture in each place you visit. It will be nice to see them changing the clothes accordingly maybe photoshop will help there!!

  2. What a great idea Jose :))) we are doing to consider it!! :)))

  3. Ola Joana , maravilha seus vídeos muito divertido
    parabéns pelo casamento muitas felicidades a você e seu mais que tudo Antonio.

    sempre irei visitar vosso blog , divirtam-se muito em vossa longa viagem.

    Muitos beijinhos. com muito carinho da sua esteticista de plantão.

    Felícia Almagro Lisboa


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