On the weekend Akiko and Toshi took us to see a little town called Kamakura! Is full of stunning temples. We were lucky enough that we caught one special event! When the little kids that are between 2 and 6 go to the temples to say thank you for their health! (Shinto)
It was to much cuteness!!! Juana! couldn´t stop taking pictures :P the picture gallery of this day alone has around 400 pictures!
Here is just a sample of what we saw,
We passed by a store selling one of the most beloved Japanese cartoons: TOTORO!!!
Some yummy snacks! rice cake with sesame seeds!
In Japan all the cookie wraps are sooo cuteeee,
In every store selling food you could go in and try a bit! Some grilled fish,
Pickled vegetables,
Cute overload ALERT!!!!
Cuteness Jackpot picture!!!!!
Not only was the children special event! but we capture a couple of wedding going on :)
Back to cuteness overload,
Where everyone writes their wishes,
Incredible details on the kids costumes!
We visited this amazing bamboo garden,
In the ticket to the bamboo garden was included to have a nice hot green tea and enjoy the scenery,
The green tea served here is a bit more thick and strong than what we are used to!

Even the wall graffitis are nice! ehhehehe
More impressive temples,
Going towards the beach in Kamakura,
Even the buses have little cartoons,
The picnic snatchers,
What a lovely day! Thank you Akiko and Toshi!