Our target was to leave Belgium on Wednesday the 27th of July. But before we had to carry on the following tasks:
-Sell all our furniture and appliances
-Pack all our stuff
-Completely clean the apartment to return it to the landlord
It seem like straight forward tasks.... but we overestimated them! We were able to sell all the furniture but we ended up with a lot of small stuff (frames, kitchenware, etc)
Our living room looked like complete chaos on Tuesday,

Second lesson learned.... just for Juana :P : "I will never again put stickers in the windows! even if they make the living room beautiful" because it is a true pain to remove them and clean!!!

Thanks god we hired a cleaning lady to helps us to clean the whole apartment.... after 5 hours it was clean!!!!

Next task, fit everything in the car..... guess what!!! It didn't fit!!! Ahahhahah! we had over estimated the space we had in the car :P at this point we had no were to keep our things since we had to leave the apartment and our stuff didn't fit in the car... not the ideal situation you want to be!
Solution, give away the extra stuff we were planing to take... and the frames we had in mind to take... broke completely during the move... so problem solved... take out the picture and trash them.
Was quite a stressful day! by then it was 1AM and no way we could drive 2200km to Portugal. So we departed the next day in the early morning (7.30AM).
This is how it looked inside our car: