The best of this small resort were the guests! super friendly and helpful! we were travelling next to New Zealand and had no idea what we were going to do! we left this resort with a tailored made itinerary that included even in which places we should go for food.
Another awesome element, was that every night there was something happening! Game night! we would play silly but really fun games, as limbo or dance with the balloon or do crazy moves in the sand until you were the last one standing!
We actually won the dance with the balloon! we were the last couple standing with a full balloon! We received as prize a massage :)

We were so happy that we met Alexis and Martin! We had the best time with them! and three months latter we meet them in Austin, TX for some amazing experiences! we will talk later on in the blog :) when we land in US!
After a couple of months on the road it was nice to have everything organized! You didn't need to think about where i'm gonna eat... where should I sleep? what am I going to see?
It was simply wake up! eat breakfast, enjoy the beach of go for a walk in to the town...
(btw! doesn't the above picture look like the village were the OTHERS lived in the TV Show Lost??? ehhehehe)
Visiting the local school,
Another very good way to spend the time in Fiji was just stay all day relaxing! :) .... or have a massage.. btw one of the best massages we had in the trip was in Fiji, hearing the sound of the sea beats everything! :) Although, Antonio would probably disagree with me.. and say it was China... :P
I had an incredible cooking lesson! how to prepare Kokoda as raw fish salad,
Grinding the coconut,
Mixing everything together with coconut milk,
The yummy finished product!
The dinners were awesome! we had this massive communal table were we would meet new guests every night and have a super yummy meal!
We had the best time in Fiji!! But it was time to say... goodbye!!!
are here we do NEW ZEALAND!!!! we are ready for you!!!!!!!